The following endorsements of my candidacy for re-election reflect my voting record as a member of the RI House of Representatives and positions I have taken on crucial issues:

2022 Endorsements

Clean Water Action
Working Families Party
Rhode Island Democratic Women’s Caucus
Rhode Island Coalition Against Gun Violence
National Association of Social Workers PAC RI
Planned Parenthood Votes! RI PAC

Clean Water Action Announces First Round of 2022 Endorsements | Clean Water  Action     RI Working Families Party (@ri_wfp) / TwitterRhode Island Democratic Women's Caucus

GoLocalProv | NEW: RI Coalition Against Gun Violence Calls on Gun Stores to  Temporarily Close  May be an image of text that says 'NASW National Association of Social Workers RHODE ISLAND CHAPTER NASWRI.SOCIALWORKERS.ORG' Endorsements | sambellpvd